350 Facts about Charleston is a new book about, well, Charleston. With facts. Lots of them. In fact, there are 350 facts, one for each year that Charleston’s been around.
The staff at the Charleston City Paper pulled together fun and arcane information about the Holy City to illuminate its deep, rich history. Included in the 200+ pages are details on early settlers, the wars (Revolutionary and Civil) and the struggle for civil rights by descendants of enslaved Africans. You’ll learn about food (Charlestonians have loved to drink wine for centuries), books, people, music, culture and much more. Bonus: Talented South Carolina cartoonist Robert Ariail offers 12 illustrations that should make a great calendar someday.
Order your copy today for $20 (plus shipping and handling) by clicking here. Or you can pick it up in a favorite local shop just in time for the holidays.